Sun Palm Bouquet - Touch of Rose Pink Large
Sun Palm Bouquet - Touch of Rose Pink Large
These perfectly preserved Sun Palms are combined with tones of creams, browns, whites and rose pink. What makes this arrangement special is the perfectly preserved roses - everlasting for over a year!
Arrangement measures 12" + wide and 12" long
(can be trimmed shorter)
🤍Bridal bouquet
🤍Bridesmaid bouquet
🤍 Arrangement for vase
🤍 Cake toppers
Made with only preserved and dried floral, making this arrangement everlasting and low maintenance!
Looking for a custom colour? Send us a message! We use many colours of dried floral and would love to customize for you.
Due to the natural materials, size and colour will vary.
Pricing starts at $120 (as seen in image) for larger more elaborate options price TBD. Please email for inquires